Wednesday, July 16, 2014


If you have one more day to stay in Kyoto and are interested in seeing a scenery different from the ones in the temples in Kyoto city, why don't you visit Ohara area?  Sanzen-in, which is the most famous, welcomes your visit.

 Sanzen-in began its history as an accommodation of the monks who trained themselves in Enryakuji temple in Mt Hiei, founded by Saicho, or Dengyo Daishi.
After twist and turns, the temple moved here, Ohara area, in 1871.
In the moss-covered garden, you will find tiny stone statues with their faces showing  from the green moss. The garden was created making the most of the scenery of the mountain foot.

In the center of the moss garden, you will find Amida-hall, in which a statue of Amitabha and its following Bodhisattvas( or Bosatsu ) of Seishi and Kanon welcome you.
Since the second son of Emperor Horikawa came to be a monk of this temple, this temple has been one of the three Monseki jiin temples in Kyoto.
( Monseki-jiin ----  a member of Imperial family became a monk of.the temple )


From Kyoto station or Demachi Yanagi station : Kyoto bus  to Ohara
10 min walk from the bus stop
700 yen

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

zen meditation

One of the things you may think you should experience in Japan is Zen meditation.
Then, what is zen meditation?
According to the monk in a sub-temple of Tenryuji temple, who speaks English and gives you zen meditation in English,, "In a word, Zen meditation is a matter of balance and regulation"

"We regulate the body, we regulate the breath, and we regulate the mind. When body, breath, and mind have come into a state of harmonious balance and deep inner tranquility, we naturally awaken to our pure original spirit and realize the true value of our existence"

I joined Zen meditation there.
The monk told us to set our legs crossed. When we do so, my back stands straight. When my back is straight, he told me to try to breathe out slowly counting number, one... two....three...
Then breathe in slowly controlling our breath.
Soon, I could hear birds singing, the wind blowing. I tried not to think anything, Just listening to the natural sounds

Curiously, my mind was becoming peaceful and calm.

Someone says a zen garden reflects your state of mind. Facing the garden, after closing your eyes and trying to set your mind calmly, when you opened your eyes, the garden will be felt differently.

Why don't you try it?